Collaborate without
revealing your raw data
Build the collaborations you’ve dreamed about.
Rest assured that your data and IP remain yours.

Tamarin helps any health company securely and privately collaborate without needing to send raw data to their collaborators or an aggregator.
Imagine the
Get more precise insights by being able to patient match across data sets without revealing or deidentifying underlying data. Patient identities remain private and unviewable using mathematically secure protocols.
Stop copying and revealing your raw data to other parties. Stop using clunky, incompatible VDI setups. Instead, collaborate with any other company analyzing private data right where it lives, using the tools they’re familiar with.
Build the collaborations you’ve always wanted to, but couldn’t because of business and IP concerns; security concerns; privacy concerns. Now you can confidently collaborate with collective datasets without compromising IP, security, and privacy.
Effective training of AI requires large, diverse data sets. Capitalize on the AI movement without releasing your raw data to anyone. AI algorithms can train on your data right where it sits.
How it Works
Collaborating without revealing your underlying data is based on encrypted data in use, privacy-enhancing capabilities, and cryptographic protocols.
Standard Collaborative Analysis
❌ Copy and share underlying data with collaborators
❌ Analysis reveals underlying data - a security and IP risk
❌ Collaborations are limited due to IP concerns
Private Collaborative Analysis
✓ Never copy or share underlying data with collaborators
✓ Never reveal underlying data during analysis
✓ Collaborations are unlimited with IP concerns eliminated
Accelerate your path to becoming the leader in your industry
We’re a world class team of healthcare and cryptography leaders with experience from top institutions including Yale New Haven Health, Penn, Carnegie Mellon, and venture-backed cutting edge companies.
We understand health data sharing challenges and the technology to overcome those challenges.
But like any new technology, the learning curve is steep. We know the industry, so you don’t have to.
We help you get to the front of your industry, faster.
How to work with the Tamarin team
Build a collaboration plan, no matter what your tech stack is
No matter what you and your collaborators are using for data and data analysis, we will design a technical implementation plan that can work across systems.
Get clear on the (truly) endless possibilities
Being able to build the collaborations you’ve dreamed about feels a lot like staring at a blank canvas. We’ll bring clarity to the opportunity and give you a concrete plan so you can take action, now.
Get in first on the industry’s leading private collaboration platform
The tools we recommend for your tech or strategic plan will be ideal for your tech stack and strategic goals, but they are industry-agnostic.
We’re building our platform tailor-made for healthcare’s most pressing collaboration challenges. Early access is limited. Join the waitlist now.
Not sure where to start?
This is the best place to start when you aren’t sure where to start! We’ll jam-pack every hour we spend with you so you can identify the market-leading collaborations and the right privacy-preserving tools that will put you ahead of your competitors.